Disclaimer Terms of Services

Disclaimer: This website is created to help homeowners and businesses connect with local service contractors. All contractors are independent entities. Parma Concrete Solutions does not endorse or guarantee any work performed by these contractors. It is the sole responsibility of the homeowner or business owner to verify that the contractor they hire has the necessary licenses and insurance required for the work being performed. The individuals displayed in photos or videos on this site are sourced from public stock image collections and are not contractors associated with this site.

  1. Service Scope: Parma Concrete Solutions does not directly offer or perform any concrete services. Our role is limited to lead generation, helping to connect you with reliable, local service providers.
  2. No Guarantees: We do not guarantee or endorse the quality, reliability, or credentials of the service providers. Any decision to engage with a service provider sourced through our platform is made at your own risk. We strongly recommend you to perform due diligence by verifying credentials, certifications, and references before entering into any agreement.
  3. Relationship with Service Providers: Utilizing our platform to connect with a service provider means that any contract or agreement for services is strictly between you and the provider. Parma Concrete Solutions is not a party to, and takes no responsibility for, any agreements made between you and the service providers.
  4. No Warranties on Services: Parma Concrete Solutions does not warrant or guarantee the quality or outcome of the services rendered by any service provider connected through our platform. The responsibility for selecting a service provider and satisfaction with their services is entirely yours.
  5. Independent Contractors: Service providers found through Parma Concrete Solutions are independent contractors, not employees, agents, or representatives of Parma Concrete Solutions. Similarly, Parma Concrete Solutions does not act as an employee, agent, or representative of any service provider.

External Links Disclaimer: The Parma Concrete Solutions website may contain links to external websites or content provided by third parties. These links are provided for your convenience and do not imply any endorsement by Parma Concrete Solutions of the linked site or its contents. We do not verify, monitor, or guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, or availability of information on these websites. Parma Concrete Solutions is not responsible for any damages or losses resulting from the use of third-party websites or reliance on their content.

Professional Disclaimer: The information available on this site is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice. Before taking any actions based on such information, we strongly recommend consulting with a qualified professional. The site does not offer professional services or advice, and reliance on any information provided is solely at your own risk.

Testimonials Disclaimer: Testimonials featured on the Parma Concrete Solutions website are intended to reflect the experiences of individual users. These testimonials are personal to those particular users and may not be indicative of all users’ experiences with our services. The testimonials are presented verbatim except for occasional corrections of grammatical errors or typing mistakes and may have been edited for brevity. Your experience with our service may vary.

Contact Us: Should you have any questions or require further clarification regarding our disclaimers, please feel free to contact us at info@parmacomcretesolutions.com

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